The surging demand for dairy alternatives has elevated plant-based beverages in the food industry, with Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) processing playing a pivotal role in ensuring their safety, extended shelf life, and quality. This review succinctly examines the impact of UHT processing on product characteristics, plant protein functionalities, and forthcoming trends, aiming to provide a comprehensive insight into the dynamic field. Ongoing UHT technology innovations address these challenges, concurrently enhancing environmental sustainability and sensory attributes. The article aims to explore and understand the intricate dynamics of UHT processing, highlighting both opportunities and challenges. Anticipated trends include diversified plant protein sources, enhanced sensory attributes, sustainable packaging, functional ingredient incorporation, and personalized products aligned with consumer preferences. These advancements mark a transformative era for the plant-based beverage industry, promising products that are not only more nutritious and flavorful but also environmentally conscientious. All rights reserved, Elsevier.