The world population is expected to grow rapidly and exceed 10.4 billion by 2100. In this scenario, greater environmental pressure and natural resource scarcity are inevitable. A possible solution suggested by international authorities is the use of novel protein sources for conventional production, such as the use of edible insects as food, in Western countries. The present work investigates recent market trends in the edible insect sector, in terms of a growing focus on sustainability, product offerings, diversification of insect-based products, and increasing consumer awareness. The Mintel Global New Product Database was used to identify newly launched products in the global market that incorporate insects as ingredients. The market analysis focused on the food category with the highest number of newly launched products, the insect snack bar category. The results of a global market investigation on insect snack bars are further presented including the market analysis of several aspects, such as price, country distribution, nutritional values, and communication strategies. Finally, market considerations are provided that could interest stakeholders in the insect supply chain, including retailers, manufacturers, and policymakers. All rights reserved, Elsevier.