This study evaluated the performance of a novel fabricated dual layer ventilated packaging (carton) design for pomegranate fruit. The study argues that higher process throughput, storage space usage (higher cargo density) and packaging material usage can be achieved through systematic design of packaging. The mechanical strength, fruit cooling speeds, and quality preservation characteristics of the new and existing carton designs were evaluated in a controlled laboratory environment. The new carton design achieved 22% above minimum recommended industry compression strength, confirming its stacking safety during palletization. Fruit packed inside both carton designs attained an average respiration rate of 5.66 ± 1.23mL CO2 kg-1 h-1 during cold storage. Fruit decay incidence (average 5.5%), colour changes and sensory attributes were also similar in both carton designs after 12 weeks cold storage and 2 weeks ambient storage period. Finally, fresh pomegranate fruit (cv. Wonderful) were packed in the new and commercial package designs, palletized, containerized and exported from South Africa to Germany. The novel dual layer design had a higher freight density (1720kg more fruit per reefer) compared to the commercial counterpart. It also improved the precooling process throughput (13% faster), reduced carton material usage (40%), and reduced energy usage (13%). These advantages of the new dual layer ventilated packaging can be implemented with considerable sustainability benefits. All rights reserved, Elsevier.